About wishing

Focus on participation

The project places great emphasis on participation in the creative process.


Therefore, we offer workshops for people from different life realities to directly involve them in the creation process. In these workshops, we explore the theme that meanings arise from the power of wishing. Wishes fulfill the important function of providing a living being with basic orientation. Humans, with their natural linguistic abilities and high social skills, have expanded wishing through language, thus creating a world full of meanings.


The collected material flows directly into the composition and performance, enriching our project with the authentic voices and experiences of the participants. Our production aims to connect generations by providing people of all ages the opportunity to come together, share experiences, and collaborate creatively. Furthermore, we place great importance on inclusivity and diversity in our casting and storytelling. By portraying characters and narratives that reflect the experiences and identities of people from various backgrounds, we strive to create a production that is relatable and meaningful to all our viewers.


A core aspect of our artistic work is examining how these wishes and dreams can be expressed and conveyed through various artistic media – particularly through the element of water.

Water, with its complexity and symbolic depth, stands for life, flow, and transformation. It serves as a metaphor for the fluid and ever-changing nature of our desires and hopes.


Our artistic work includes interactive installations, performances, and workshops where we explore the individual and collective wishes of our participants.


We employ participatory methods to capture authentic voices and experiences. Through the use of technology, we enable participants to articulate their wishes and dreams in real-time and integrate them into the artistic composition.


By facilitating active engagement in the creative process, we aim to create a dynamic and inclusive artistic experience that resonates with a diverse audience and authentically represents the collective aspirations and dreams of our community.