The wishing well

a co-production by: La Strada Graz, Mezzanin Theater Graz, and aXe Graz

Do you hear it?


The sea.

No, we’re in the middle of the city.

Listen closely.

Do you hear it now?

It wants to tell you a story.


A well, right in the middle of the city,

and if you listen very carefully

if you listen deep inside

you can hear them:

the stories from the sea.

The stories from the city.

The stories from you.

You can dive deep into a world

of dreams and hopes

and send your wishes

into the well and into the sea.

The artists Natascha Grasser and Patrick Dunst, in collaboration with Mezzanin Theater, aXe, and La Strada Graz, demonstrate how a fountain in the city can be transformed into a sea of dreams.


The fountain at Karmeliterplatz becomes an interactive stage. Through this website, visitors can contribute their thoughts in real-time.


Physical impulses and interventions are integrated live into the composition and can be experienced by immersing a listening tube at the water's surface.


The sound installation explores individual and collective dreams, wishes, and hopes. Actress Susanne Lipinski brings these dreams "ashore" through a performance of texts by author Fiston Mwanza Mujila.